Eating Disorders

The Problem with Body Image

The Problem with Body Image

The language of ‘body image’ is common in our culture of attention to appearance, and lately, conversation about body image seems to everywhere. Body image is a factor commonly related to mental health for young people, and is similarly a concern for many people as they age and come to terms with their changing bodies.

When you think about it, it’s pretty strange that we give so much attention to the image of our bodies. 

Love Your Body

Love Your Body

I used to cringe at the phrase ‘Love Your Body’.

Every anti-narcissism bone in my body reacted to this as a statement I thought of as ego-based and overly focused on appearance.

But I’ve been thinking about what it might mean to really love your body and I’ve changed my mind. Love after all, is about care. It’s about kindness, respect, and a deep affection and appreciation.