International No-Diet Day

International No-Diet Day is an opportunity to a celebrate body diversity and challenge diet culture.

This celebration was founded by feminist groups in the UK in 1992 led by Mary Evans Young, and continues to be acknowledged by Health at Every Size practitioners, and those championing body freedom and liberation.

Some of the things we can focus on for International No-Diet Day are to:

  • Challenge cultural ideals about body shape and size

  • Raise awareness about weight discrimination and fat phobia

  • Challenge diet culture and companies who profit from encouraging body dissatisfaction

  • Focus on body freedom and liberation for all

The goals of this day align with the Mind Body Well philosophy, which you can read about at the link below.

On International No-Diet Day we encourage you to find a way to celebrate your body, in whatever way feels appropriate and accessible for you… maybe you could go for a walk somewhere in nature, or lay under a tree looking up at the sky, or have a long bath, or hug someone for a little longer than usual, or eat something delicious - anything that feels right for you.

Happy No-Diet Day!