The following programs have been pre-recorded for allied health professionals. All courses can be accessed and purchased on the ‘Thinkific’ platform, via the links below.
Implementing CBT for BDD
Six hours of recorded webinar presentation and role play examples, plus downloadable handouts, worksheets and examples.
Presenter: Dr Fran Beilharz, Clinical Psychologist
Eating Disorder Masterclass Series
This series of professional development webinars have been recorded for Allied Health and Medical professionals working with people experiencing eating disorders and weight and shape concerns. The sessions are suitable for all therapists regardless of experience, however they assume general knowledge of eating disorder diagnosis and treatment options.
Each session has been presented by an experienced therapist from the Mind Body Well team, or an invited guest - exploring the topic through a Health at Every Size® lens, reflecting inclusive and respectful therapeutic approaches which are both evidence based and client centred.
Cost: $95 per webinar - provides 3 months access to the recorded webinar, and a downloadable handout. (Each webinar is between 90-120 minutes duration).
Click the image to go to the course and purchase via the ‘Thinkific’ platform.
Introduction to BDD
Masterclass #1 provides an introduction to Body Dysmorphic disorder, including assessment strategies and differential diagnosis from other mental health concerns. Common treatment approaches will be introduced, including relevant CBT strategies.
Presenter: Fran Beilharz (Clinical Psychologist), Mind Body Well
Managing Risk in ED Therapy
Masterclass #2 focuses on important risk considerations for therapists who are providing therapies for people with eating disorders in private practice settings. The content is relevant for mental health professionals and Dietitians, and will include consideration of medical and re-feeding risks, as well a self-harm and suicidality.
Presenters: Janet Lowndes (Director) and Tom Scully (Dietitian Team Leader), Mind Body Well
Mindfulness in ED Therapy
Masterclass #3 explores the use of mindfulness strategies in eating disorder therapy, particularly introducing approaches from Mindfulness Integrated Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (MiCBT), including body scanning to develop interoceptive awareness, self compassion and equanimity.
Presenter: Ana Ximena Torres (Clinical Manager), Mind Body Well
Gut Health issues and ED’s
Masterclass #4 assists therapists to differentiate gut health issues from eating disorder symptomatology. The content is be relevant to both Dietitians and Mental Health Professionals, and also focuses on the Gut-Brain-Microbiome relationship, and gastrointestinal issues commonly experienced by people with Eating Disorders.
Guest Presenter: Kim Menzies (Dietitian), ‘What’s your Gut Feeling?’
LGBTQIA+ Awareness
Masterclass #5 provides information for therapists to develop their understanding of issues relevant to working with clients from LGBTQIA+ communities, including language, identities, and issues of body expression. The webinar also focuses on the principles of inclusive, respectful care for clients with diverse perspectives.
Presenter: Tom Scully (Dietitian Team Leader), Mind Body Well
Wellbeing not Weight
Masterclass #6 explores the concept of weight inclusive care, which prioritises equitable access to health care for all people regardless of body size. The webinar also focuses on alternatives to the dominant weight-centric heath paradigm, with a focus on weight stigma and weight bias.
Presenter: Janet Lowndes (Director and Principal Psychologist), Mind Body Well
Addressing Shame in ED Therapy
Masterclass #8 provides an overview of strategies for addressing shame in Eating Disorder therapy, with a particular focus on self compassion and cognitive behavioural approaches. The webinar focuses on how shame can manifest, and how it can be directly targeted in therapy.
Presenter: Fran Beilharz (Clinical Psychologist), Mind Body Well
Support v’s Challenge
Masterclass #9 addresses the support v’s change continuum, particularly as it relates to longer term therapeutic relationships. The webinar offers an introduction or refresher on motivational interviewing, particularly in relation to maintaining momentum for therapeutic change.
Presenter: Janet Lowndes (Director and Principal Psychologist), Mind Body Well
Interoceptive Awareness
Masterclass #10 explores concepts of embodiment and interoception as ways of relating to the body from the inside-out, providing an alternative focus to body image and appearance concerns. The webinar also provides strategies to address interceptive awareness in psychological therapy.
Presenter: Janet Lowndes (Director and Principal Psychologist), Mind Body Well
Other Recorded Professional Development Programs
Understanding the Practicalities of Eating Disorder Management Plans
Recording of a webinar conducted by Mind Body Well Director & Principal Psychologist Janet Lowndes.
Understanding Projection, Transference and Countertransference in the Yoga Teacher-Student Relationship
Recording of a webinar conducted by Mind Body Well Director Janet Lowndes.