Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition which affects 12-21% of cisgender women and transgender/gender diverse people with ovaries during their reproductive years. Although common, many people with PCOS report limited knowledge and confidence in how to best manage their condition.

The team of Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs) at Mind Body Well have experience and expertise in working with clients with PCOS. Our team can assist people to:

  • Better understand PCOS, how it impacts them and the diet-illness relationship

  • Improve health markers associated with PCOS including insulin, cholesterol and androgen levels

  • Manage common concerns including fatigue, sugar cravings and increased hunger

  • Address body image concerns and potential disordered eating behaviours

  • Be aware of other recommended interventions including physical activity and dietary supplementation

  • Be directed to appropriate options for the management of common symptoms including unwanted hair growth, hair loss, acne, and irregular menstruation

While weight loss is a strategy commonly recommended in the management of PCOS, evidence indicates that weight loss dieting does not reliably result in sustained weight loss for many people, and can in fact result in other health complications. Cycles of weight loss and regain can increase insulin resistance and inflammation in those with PCOS, as well as increase the risk of developing an eating disorder or other complicated eating behaviours. Women with PCOS are 4 times more likely to engage in disordered eating behaviours than those without, reinforcing the importance of a weight inclusive approach to nutritional management.

For these (and many more) reasons, the team of Dietitians at Mind Body Well use a Non-Diet approach which focusses on sustainable, evidence-based behaviour change interventions to assist the health and wellbeing of those with PCOS, rather than specific weight loss goals. Our Dietitians offer in-person and tele-health consultations (via a secure online video platform).

If you would like to see one of the Dietitians on the Mind Body Well Team, please complete our New Client request via the link below.