Dietetic Therapy at Mind Body Well

The aim of Dietetic therapy is to provide nutritional counselling to optimise health and wellbeing using dietary approaches.

An Accredited Practicing Dietitian is qualified to:

  • assess the nutritional status of her clients

  • provide individually tailored dietary advice

  • offer education and support to establish healthful eating practices

  • identify and discuss helpful and unhelpful food habits and beliefs, and

  • assist with maintaining positive dietary changes through regular monitoring as required.

The Dietitian's at Mind Body Well take a collaborative, client-centred approach. In the initial session your Dietitian will identify and discuss your personal dietary concerns, assessing your current nutritional status and establishing food and behavioural goals taking into account your lifestyle and food preferences. Follow-up sessions provide the opportunity for further dietary guidance to review therapeutic goals and support you to sustain changes to improve your health and wellbeing. 

Therapy Structure

Assessment Phase

All therapy at Mind Body Well begins with an initial Assessment Phase, which may take between 1-3 sessions, depending on the complexity of the issues to be addressed in therapy. At the end of this Assessment Phase, your therapist will negotiate with you a Treatment Plan, which will outline:

  • the focus and goals of your therapy

  • the treatment approaches to be used

  • your treatment team - which may also include one of the Psychologists at Mind Body Well

Treatment Phase

Each 'Phase' of therapy will have clear treatment goals, and a timeframe after which the effectiveness of therapy will be measured by you and your therapist. Some clients will have multiple 'phases' of treatment, whereas others may have more short term treatment.


Personal information provided by you to the Dietitian during the provision of services is considered confidential and will not be disclosed to a third party except when:

  • your prior approval has been obtained to:

  • a)    provide a written report to another professional or agency. eg. your Doctor or a Lawyer; or

  • b)    discuss your care with another person, eg. a Parent, Employer or Health Care Provider; or

  • it is subpoenaed by a court; or

  • failure to disclose the information would in the reasonable belief of your Consultant place you or another person at serious risk of harm; or

  • disclosure is otherwise required by law.

Consent to liaise with other professionals

Your Dietitian will seek your consent to communicate with other Health Professionals involved in your care, which may include your Doctor, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, and / or other practitioners where appropriate. If you have any concerns about this please discuss them with your Psychologist.

Service limitations

If your Dietitian believes she is unable to provide optimal care for your particular situation, she will discuss this with you and, where appropriate, facilitate referral to another Health Professional.

Fees and Rebates

Fees for Dietetic Therapy are to be paid in full on the day of service by cash, credit card, or EFTPOS.  Sessions generally run for 50 minutes, or as discussed with your Dietitian.

You may be able to claim rebates for Dietetic Therapy if you have:

  • A referral and Team Care Arrangement prepared by your Doctor or

  • Private Health Insurance which includes Dietetic Therapy as part of your extras cover.

Please advise us if you are able to claim rebates and we will ensure you receive the appropriate receipt to enable your claim.

Cancellation policy

Appointments are scheduled ahead of time, and as such 48 hours notice is required to cancel or reschedule an appointment without incurring a fee. Cancellations received with less than 48 hours notice, and appointments not attended at the scheduled time will incur a fee of 50% of the cost of the consultation.

You will receive a reminder of your appointment by SMS the day before your scheduled time. It is important that you arrive in readiness to start your appointment on time. Late arrival will most often necessitate a shorter session.

Clients who cancel or do not attend for 3 scheduled appointments may have their treatment terminated, at the discretion of the Therapist and/or Practice Director.

Contact outside session times

The Dietitian at our practice is available on a part-time basis. If you need to make contact with your Dietitian outside session times please do so via our office by telephone (03) 9821 5847, or email